About us


Every individual's development begins in the womb . Even though it is a simple cell it holds all the potential to grow as a healthy person in the future. However, after birth, there is a possibility of identifying neurodevelopmental disorders in a child. These are disabilities in the functioning of the brain that affects a child's behavior, activities, memory, or ability to learn and speak such as cerebral palsy, autism, spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, speech and language impairments, learning disorders and intellectual developmental disorder. A child with these conditions was portrayed as a social stigma. Usually, they were managed and brought back to mainstream life through conventional methods like speech-language therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, behavior modifications, education support, social support, and family support.

Meanwhile Ayurveda, through its time tested treatments has made a significant contribution to the management of these conditions. In this aspect, the contributions of the Kaumarbhritya department of VPSV Ayurveda College at Kottakkal are internationally recognized.

Researches showed that integrating Ayurveda in conventional therapeutic management practices can produce a synergetic output. But there are only a few centres where all these conventional therapies are available under a single umbrella. Many such centres are clustered in one place which makes it very difficult for their parents and family as they are forced to leave their jobs, and have to stay away from their home and hometown. In this scenario, an integrated centre within their reach will be a dream of any such parent.

Realizing the importance of this situation ‘ATIDHI Group’ was formed to develop the concept of ‘Ayurveda and Therapeutic Integration for Developmental Habilitative Intervention’ (ATIDHI) through ATIDHI centres at every 30 km..


  • Integration of Ayurveda and other multidicplinary.
  • Bringing such facilities under a single umbrella, nearer to the homes of specially abled children.

Components of ATIDHI centres :

  • Internationally acclaimed Ayurveda treatment protocols devised by Dr. Dinesh KS ( Professor & HOD, Department of Kaumarabrthya, Vaidyarathnam P.S. Varier Ayurveda College, Kottakkal) like the Kottakkal protocol for developmental disorders , AGASTYA protocol for Autism and AyuCALM protocol for Learning Disabilities
  • Multidisciplinary Habilitative intervention system including Speech Language Therapy, Sensory integration therapy, Physical therapy, Behaviour therapy, and Educational Therapy
  • Special training programmes for children and parents
  • Online/Direct consultation by ATIDHI experts in this field
  • All these under a single umbrella